The Georgetown Heckler

News | September 7, 2014

Football Team to Begin Wearing Sperrys On Field


HARBIN FIELD — Saying that “there’s no way in hell it could hurt our chances,” head coach of the Georgetown football team Rob Sgarlata announced this week that the team will be transition from their Nike cleats to Sperrys.

Looking for ways to jump start a team which has struggled in recent years and long been overshadowed by the men’s basketball program, Sgarlata ultimately shunned switching into a Cover 2 scheme defense or zone blocking and decided a change in footwear was the key to success.

Soon cleats, as worn in the picture below, will be something of a memory for the Georgetown Football team.

Soon cleats, as worn in the picture above, will be something of a memory for the Georgetown Football team.

According initial reports the Sperrys will not offer athletes increased traction or agility on the field, but “will definitely convey that stylish preppy look” that has eluded the men’s team for years.

Analysts note that Sperrys differ slightly from cleats in that “they don’t have spikes” and “weren’t designed to be used during football games.”

“When you’re playing to win it’s as much about feeling good and looking good as it is about functionality,” said Athletic Director Lee Reed. “We in the department found that a symbol of classic American prep style, marked by a legacy of good taste could only be offered by Sperry Topsiders.”

Both Reed and Sgarlta stressed the switch was well researched before the trigger was pulled to make the switch.

Georgetown’s switch to Sperrys mirrors Yale University’s football team’s switch form uniforms to polos and khakis and ensuing success on the gridiron.

“We’ve seen in the classroom how people wearing Sperrys can excel, earn high GPAs and embark on successful career paths. I don’t see any reason why we can’t bring a little of that magic to Harbin Field,” said Reed.

Officials at Sperry greeted the news positively.

“Although associating with Georgetown’s football team is somewhat damaging to credibility, we’re sure that with our proud history of maritime success we bring something to the table for the Hoyas,” said Sperry spokesman Tina Huessin.

Sgarlata said the team will wear the traditional brown leather Sperrys for home games and the white leather Sperrys for away games.