The Georgetown Heckler

News | January 23, 2024

“This Actually Isn’t Even That Cold Compared to Where I Live” and Five Other Weather-Related Statements Scientists Now Claim Are Linked to Impossibly Small Penis Size


The ins and outs of male anatomy have long perplexed the scientific community. Since the dawn of time, humanity has wondered why some of us are endowed with great meaty hogs, while others are doomed to bear acorn-sized peckers till the end of their days. While we have come no closer to answers to these pressing questions, a team of scientists has recently discovered a series of phrases with an overwhelming correlation to the possession of a diminutive member:

  1. “This actually isn’t even that cold compared to where I live.”
  2. “Believe it or not, I actually prefer wearing shorts… yeah even when it’s below freezing!”
  3. “It’s really more of a mindset thing you know, visualize being warm and your body will feel it. I don’t know if it’ll work for you though, I have a pretty powerful mind.”
  4. “Yeah, it’s called Canada Goose. You might not have heard of it, it’s kind of exclusive, but it’s super warm. You should come over and borrow mine sometime…” 
  5. “It’s all about breathing. Have you ever heard of Wim Hof? You should totally check him out! I could recommend some Reddit threads if you don’t know where to start.”
  6. “You should really shed some layers,  I mean it’s not even that cold, plus, you look waaayyy better without that coat on!”