The Georgetown Heckler

News | October 1, 2014

Student on Laptop in Lecture Unaware Class Ended 20 Minutes Ago


ICC AUDITORIUM — Twenty minutes after the conclusion of his Wednesday afternoon International Relations course, junior Eric Wong (MSB ’16) was reported to be still sitting in the ICC Auditorium mindlessly scrolling through the internet.

Wong, as photographed shortly before the class crawled over him to get out of the auditorium.

Wong, as photographed shortly before the class crawled over him to get out of the auditorium.

Throughout the 75-minute course Wong reportedly looked up from his laptop once only to avoid sneezing on his Macbook Pro’s screen.

After taking a seat in the back of the auditorium three minutes after the lecture began, Wong began his usual routine of rotating between Facebook, Twitter, ESPN and Barstool Sports while the professor held his lecture on constructivism.

Throughout the lecture, Wong made no attempt to utilize a note taking application on his computer nor use the endless amount of data available on the internet for any purpose other than seeing what his friends were up to.

While reading about latest “stupid” controversy over the Washington Redskin’s name, Wong reportedly entirely missed the professor dismissing class and wishing the students a good weekend.

Experts say he may have failed to comprehend the conclusion of the lecture and subsequent filling out of the 150 person class because his laptop was on full brightness.

Wong could not be reached for comment because he was on his laptop.

“Yeah, I had to crawl over him to get out of class,” said freshmen Catherine Arhammer (SFS ’18). “He didn’t even look up from Facebook stalking this girl.”

Insiders close to the situation said Wong didn’t even flinch as students began pouring into the class for their 5:00 p.m. Macro Economics lecture.

At press time Wong was still sitting in the ICC Auditorium as the econ lecture began, but was reportedly texting his friends about how “freaking long this stupid class is.”
