LXR — Citing two full months of absence from his newsfeed, sophomore George Sandson (MSB ’17) told reporters he was “about ready” to abandon the notion that he would be nominated for the ice bucket challenge.
Holding out hope for more than 70 days that a friend, relative, former significant other, acquaintance, or person he formerly went to middle school with would nominate him for the viral internet sensation, Sandson said it was “about time” to move on and “not dwell on it any longer.”
“At first I thought that perhaps by process of elimination I would be nominated as everyone had already been done the challenge by mid-August. I hoped I might just be picked by default by one of my 451 Facebook friends,” said Sanson.
Sandson told reporters that Tuesday night he poured out the bucket of ice water he had kept perpetually ready in his room since first seeing the ALS Bucket Challenge on his newsfeed on July 30th.
The sophomore had considered faking being nominated by someone he had no mutual friends with, but declined to take this option by rationalizing it would be dishonorable to raise awareness about ALS without being nominated.
Saying it was a “significant financial burden” to keep buying ice everyday to keep the bucket ready for use at a moment’s notice, Sandson poured the two month old gallon of water down his LXR common room sink on Monday.
Sandson expressed his disappointment at being unable to help the fight against ALS and said “I guess it just wasn’t meant to be.”
Sandson did say, however, he was not ready give up hope for being challenged to participate in the Neknominations because it was “just so sick.”