The Georgetown Heckler

News | October 23, 2014

Jack the Bulldog GERMSed at New South “Pregame of the Year”


NEW SOUTH — The Heckler has learned that Jack the Bulldog (COL ’18), a Georgetown icon and mascot, was transported to the hospital by GERMS this Thursday night.

Jack was attending a pregame in New South with some freshman friends which was described by the Facebook event as being the “Pregame of the Year.”

Jack, during happier times, at his Freshman commencement.

Jack, during happier times, at his Freshman commencement.

“The night started off pretty normally,” fellow freshman Rodney Anders (SFS ’18) told the Heckler. “Just a couple of drinks in a friend’s dorm room. Then he just got out of control.”

Witnesses reported that Jack was undefeated in survivor flip cup for the duration of the pregame, and was also demanding that tequila shots be taken.

“He wouldn’t stop drinking,” John Ryder (’18) said, who hosted the pregame. “He kept spilling most of his drinks but lapping them up anyway. I had no idea this is what people meant when they said he was a party animal.”

Fellow partygoers were shocked when Jack began hitting on many of the freshman girls at the party, and was reportedly texting Father Steck if he could “have the room for the night.”

Jack’s caretaker for the night, Sophia Nelayney (MSB ’17) was unavailable for comment.

GERMS released a statement saying that Jack is in stable condition despite attempting to repeatedly eat his own vomit throughout the night.