The Georgetown Heckler

News | October 25, 2014

GERMS Tells Passed-Out Freshman to “Stop Being Such a Little Bitch”


HENLE- GERMs members called to the scene of a party Saturday evening allegedly told Eric Kowalski (COL ’18) to “Stop being such a little bitch” after Mr. Kowalski did not respond to their request to imbibe a shot of tequila.


Josephine Hernandez (SFS ’17), resident of the Henle apartment, told the Heckler she called GERMS after seeing Mr. Kowalski vomit onto the floor and then not move for, “a solid five minutes.”

Georgetown EMS reportedly refused to work until Ignition (Remix) played.

Georgetown EMS reportedly refused to work until Ignition (Remix) played.


Members of the on-campus student emergency response team arrived at the apartment within five minutes, bringing with them a stretcher and a bottle of Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey.


Upon entry, GERMS members requested that Hernandez, “Turn it up!” and that all persons present, “Do some shots baby!”


Two GERMS members checked Mr. Kowalski’s vital signs while another used a marker to draw a crude illustration of a male sexual organ on his face.


After concluding that he was “probably fine” and “maybe breathing,” GERMS members exhorted Mr. Kowalski to play the popular drinking game beer pong as he lay unconscious in a pool of his own vomit.


Stephen Anderson (NHS ’15) was quoted by several observers present as saying, “What a loser. Walk it off, lightweight.”


At this point, GERMS members became seemingly frustrated with Mr. Kowalski’s lack of motor functions.


Onlookers confirmed that after multiple invitations to consume a shot of tequila were met with drooling and quiet moaning sounds, a GERMS member told Kowalski to “Stop being such a little bitch!”


According to sources at the scene, Mr. Anderson kicked open the door and shouted for the GERMS members to abandon the party.


The Georgetown University Department of Lightweights has declined to comment on the incident.