The Georgetown Heckler

News | November 30, 2014

Student Flying Home Hopes He Can Wordlessly Battle Over Shared Armrest with Attractive Woman for a Change


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MIDWAY AIRPORT — Saying he was “tired” of fighting for the shared armrest with segments of the obese population and geriatrics, Senior Terrance Levine (MSB ’15) told reporters he’s optimistic that this time he would be locked into an endless struggle over a common armrest with an attractive female. “I’ve flown the Chicago-DC flight at least two dozen times since starting at Georgetown at each time I haven’t been the slightest bit interested in the person I’ve been silently engaged in combat with over the armrest.” Levine has said that he’s not “super picky” about what kind of attractive woman sits next to him while he largely ignores  her and listens to music. “I know it sounds kind of like a fairy tale to be seated next to a  beautiful stranger and wordlessly battle over the armrest in a winner take all death match – but it could happen any flight,” said Levine. At press time only business men and overworked mothers with crying infants were seen boarding Levine’s plane.