The Georgetown Heckler

News | January 4, 2015

Sophomore’s Plan to Get Into Shape Over Break Condensed into One Day


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ATLANTA, GA — Saying “a lot of stuff just came up,” Sophomore Aaron Sergio (COL ’17) informed assembled reporters that his objective of getting into shape over the two week winter break was going to be condensed into tomorrow, January 5th. “I had a pretty detailed, twice a day work out regimen in mind throughout the course of the semester so I could get healthy over these past couple week but obviously things didn’t pan out exactly the way I wanted to,” said Sergio while also noting that his goals of eating better and cutting back on drinking were not met either. “Obviously I’m a little disappointed with the way it turned out so far but I think I can turn [a lifetime of unhealthy habits] around tomorrow with an intense workout session,” said Sergio, anxiously eyeing the ten weight in the corner of his room. At press time, Sergio was deliberating suspending all work out behaviors until spring break.