The Georgetown Heckler

News | February 18, 2016

With Only Hours Left, Freshman Laments Lack of Candidates to Kiss Up To



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NEW SOUTH—As election night nears its close, go-getting freshmen are frantically hitching onto the one ticket they find viable enough to kiss up to. “I know a lot of students are apathetic towards GUSA, but many freshmen like myself depend on nights like tonight to help put that 12th club credit on our résumé,” commented Matt Jameson (COL ’19), expressing disappointment that he ddid not feel like his kindred spirit Doug Stamper while volunteering for the 200 person Khan-Fisk campaign, which is lumbering towards a presumptive victory. “I feel like were robbed of an essential Georgetown tradition this year. I’ve heard stories of joining supporters in the waves of profile picture changes or going door to door passionately pitching undecided voters. We had none of that this year.” At press time, Jameson requested that someone let him know if there is anything he can do for Enushe and Chris in just the hour or so before results or not, with nothing off limits.