The Georgetown Heckler

News | October 15, 2020

“Both Verbs and Nouns!” Explains 2nd Grade Teacher Writing ‘Vomit, Piss, and Cum’ on the Board


RIDGEMONT ELEMENTARY –Grammar lessons took an unexpected turn today in Mrs. Eduard’s second grade class. Students returned from recess prepared for one of their standard sessions about the parts of speech but instead got something much more exciting. They learned how some words are not confined to just one categorization.

“This was really an eye opener for me,” said second grader, Charlie Jacobs. “I always thought verbs are verbs and nouns are nouns. Turns out it’s much more complicated than that!”

Susan Quincy shared a similar takeaway. “It was a pretty informative lesson. Mrs. Eduards knows us really well.”

“Changing the order of the sentence completely changes the meaning!” exclaimed star student Grace Miller, gesturing towards a piece of paper on which “I piss vomit — I vomit piss” is written.

“I love preparing my students for the real world,” said Mrs. Eduards, “It’s important to teach them about things that are going to have a real impact on their lives somewhere down the line. Elementary education is more important than ever and I’m proud to play a part in these young people’s development.”