The Georgetown Heckler

Features | December 2, 2012

Facebook Discussion on Israel Leaves Two Dead, Five Wounded


The online community is reeling following the death of two Americans and injury of five others in an unproductive Facebook discussion about Israel’s conflict with Hamas. The discussion is the third such incident of the past few weeks, officially summarized as the Israeli idiot-Palestinian idiot conflict.

The attack, which saw an Israeli photo-bomb dropped on a Palestinian wall, triggered a retaliatory Palestinian F-bomb. The Palestinian in question claimed that the strike was justified by equal force, but Israeli forces claim that their first strike was justified by Hamas’ failure to like Israel’s Facebook page. The F-bomb, which was launched wrapped in a casing impermeable to reason, officially engaged both sides in the start of a flame war.

Both sides have drawn considerable support from their online cohorts. One of the most vitriolic supporter groups of Palestine in this argument — people who think Jews control the media — was quick to jump into the flame war against Israel. Likewise, ignorant Islamaphobes immediately jumped into the fray on the opposite side.

It was at this point that the original two commenters were killed, having been left completely dead inside due to being associated with such people. Both believe the other side to be guilty of war crimes, having violated the rules of Facebook debate, chief among them not engaging in debate.

Friends of the combatants attempted to console the emotionally slaughtered compatriots but received only backlash for their moderate position. As a result, five online friends of the two were emotionally scarred from a variety of barbaric personal attacks.

From defenestration of character to evisceration of positivity, the attitude of those affected was totally ruined and their emotions left wounded and reeling, with some in critical emotional condition. All were quickly tended to, treated with the knowledge that their friends were just being dickish.