The Georgetown Heckler

News | January 20, 2015

New, Confused Cross-Country Coach Disappointed Team Hasn’t Even Reached Mississippi River


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YATES — Newly hired Men’s Cross-Country Coach Greg Winters expressed disappointment about the team’s performance to reporters after a NCAA tournament Tuesday morning. “Well I thought we’d at least be at the Mississippi at this point in the season, but it seems as if we just keep going in circles. I’d hate to not reach California by the end of the school year.” Analysts have concluded that while the cross-country team has collectively run over 1000 miles, most of that total has been around circular tracks that end where they began. Senior distance runner Tom Weese (COL ’15) said, “We tried to tell him we just run long distances, not actually across the country, but he wouldn’t listen. He keeps talking about how excited he is to visit Disneyland.” At press time, Coach Winters was seen telling runners that if they really tried he believed they would be in the Kentucky bluegrass by sundown.