The Georgetown Heckler

News | February 10, 2015

APO to Serve Community by Hosting Lots of Parties



Screen Shot 2015-02-10 at 5.26.50 PMHENLE — As part of their mission to prepare its members for leadership through service, the co-ed fraternity Alpha Phi Omega will serve the Georgetown community by hosting lots of parties.


“I find it very fulfilling to be able to hand out dozens of handles of Burnetts,” remarked Joel Young (COL ’16), a self-proclaimed, “Doper version of Mother Teresa.”


“I’ve always felt that it was my responsibility to serve,” said Michael Roberts, (COL ’15)  “Now I serve Smirnoff, Jack, and this new citrus-y thing I call ‘the Mikey’ but it hasn’t caught on yet.”


For others like Sam Matthews (MSB ’16), the service has given him “perspective on just how easy he has it compared to others.” He went on to comment that, “Sometimes it is just startling to think of what those freshman go through – walking around cold on the streets without any place to go until we open our doors to them.”


Perhaps more startling is that one in three freshman will at some point live below the party line, the estimated minimum level of turning up needed to secure the necessities of college life.


“When you get to meet the people you serve, you realize they really aren’t so different from you, they just stumbled upon hard times,” said Sam Matthews (MSB ’16) about the students he generously allows into his apartment for pregames.