The Georgetown Heckler

News | December 14, 2018

Gone Home! Non-Chrome Lawn Gnome Pawns Tome, Cons Rome


ROME – Early Wednesday, the incredible saga of the lawn ornament that tricked Italy drew to a close, as the little fellow left the country with his ill-gotten gains in tow. The garden gnome had spent his time in Rome selling valuable  manuscript cards under false pretenses, repelling malleable, nondescript guards and exploiting one of Italy’s biggest faults: defenses. While the tiny trickster did resemble a shiny fixture, our reporters can confirm that he is not composed of chrome, but is rather enclosed in loam.  Romans are up in arms about the scheme, especially the theft of the most lucrative piece, Puffin Charms, without a scream. It is unclear whether the husky crook got assistance, and how roughly shook with persistence witnesses should be to extract this information. Authorities have released information detailing a potential reward: the unveiling of a deferential warlord.