The Georgetown Heckler

News | March 10, 2019

Report: 65% of Customers “Just Browsing” Actually Working Up Courage to Kiss Salesman On Mouth


SCIENCE – Researchers recently uncovered that 65% of retail customers who say they are ‘just browsing’ are actually working up the courage to kiss the salesman on the mouth. The survey included data collected from men and women ranging in age from 18 to 55, who just wanted to be swept away by a romance of epic proportions.


To conduct the study, researchers asked questions such as, “Can I help you find anything in particular today?” and measured the participants’ physical responses, including their pupil dilation and the degree of their head-tilt as they gently parted their lips. The majority of responses indicated that customers find it undeniably irresistible when salespeople question their motives.


According to the results, the group with the most desire to plant a wet one on the salesperson was the one that believed in feeling a little spark of electricity when their lips touched. Further, of the 65% who expressed the desire to lock lips, only 14% followed their hearts. And, of that 14%, 80% were asked to leave the store and never return.