The Georgetown Heckler

News | March 27, 2019

“It’s Like Netflix But For Oil Rigs”-MSB Pitch Competition Going About As Well As We Thought


GEORGETOWN– The MSB’s annual Rocket Pitch competition, presented by Startup Hoyas, is currently entering its third day. This competition is designed to allow promising MSB students to mash the words “Uber” or “Netflix” or “Chipotle” with currently existing industries in exchange for cartoonishly large checks. Last year’s winner was Ta2Go, described by its founders as the Uber of tattoo parlors, and described by its customers as “completely unnecessary”. Another notable startup idea to come out of the competition is Facebook Book, an emerging company which sells leather-bound book versions of your Facebook feed, and which it’s founders claimed “created a new paradigm in social media”.


This year looks like it will be one of the most competitive ones yet, with dozens of MSB students with unwarranted confidence and limited creativity hastily tossing together strings of buzzwords in hopes of becoming the next Georgetown success story. Zachary Shaw Magid (MSB ‘21) is one such student. Magid is the hopeful founder of LeashLess, an app that would let dogs call for one of the app’s qualified walkers to take them for a stroll with only a push of a button. When asked about his creative process, Magid said “I was really looking to push the boundaries of what people thought could or should be done, which is where I came up with this idea. It’s basically like Netflix for dogs.”