The Georgetown Heckler

News | October 1, 2019

Heckler Editor Misses an Whole Bunch of Grammar Mistakes


To just say that The georgetown Heckler editor should’ve scoured this article for mistakes harder would be putting it lightly. Maybe the editor is feeling all edited out by now but this person really should be trying to uphold a standard here. its embarrassing.


Some of these sentences are far too long, clause after clause, no conjunctions to speak of, dangling participles, comma splicing, and you know what else these make these sentences very difficult to read. Others are short. Like this. Do you see a verb? I don’t?


Like come on friend, at this point I as a writer should not be able to get away with this. How far must this once great publication fall! Might as well just use blog style “text speak”. Because that’s the avenue we’re heading down right now. Grammar rules aren’t followed by us anymore and if they aren’t going to be listened to, why even have them? Why not just type gibberish and pass it off for journalism? If I wanted to do that I wouldve joined the caravel.


BONUS: If you correctly count the number of grammar mistakes in the article, you become the new Heckler editor!


Simply fax us an annotated version of this article with each error corrected. Please use blue or red pen. We’re counting on you! Come restore the Heckler’s reverence for basic syntax and the english language!