The Georgetown Heckler

News | October 30, 2019

RANKED: The Four Best Roofs to Chunk a Pun’kin off This Fall




It’s finally October, and you know what that means! Trader Joe’s has those super cheap pumpkins in stock (both the orange and spooky, white varieties), and when fall rolls around punkins=chunked..


We’re finally giving you what you’ve all been waiting for: it’s The Heckler’s annual list of the best roofs for pun’kin chunkin’: 


  1. Healey. We get it. You’re a traditionalist. You love picking apples. You’ve worn a devil costume for the last four Halloweens, and you were a vampire the four years before that. If you can manage to snake your way through the tunnels (or scale the outside of the building), this is the perfect option for you. 
  2. White Gravenor. So, you like sports. You did archery in high school. Or maybe you like throwing darts at the bar. The point is: you know how to shoot at a target. And what better target is there than freshmen wandering through Red Square?
  3. Lau. We get it. You’re a brutalist. You love chopping down trees. You’ve worn a Jim from The Office costume for the last four Halloweens, and you were a College Student for four years before that. If you can manage to walk up the stairs (or take the elevator), this is the perfect option for you. 

Leo’s. Feeling a little hungry? I’m going to Leo’s to chunk a pun’kin. I’ve got some extra meal swipes left if you want me to pick you up something, or you can come along and have some chaotic, fall fun.