The Georgetown Heckler

News | May 10, 2021

“Absolutely No Late Work” Declares Professor Who Will Grade Your Midterm On May 18th


GEORGETOWN — Associate Professor Charles Mulvicky has come under fire recently for his zero-tolerance policy towards late work. The Heckler was able to reach Professor Mulvicky for comment in his office in New North.

“Turning in your work late is disrespectful to me, and to all of your classmates who got their work done on time,” stated Mulvicky, blindly writing checkmarks on a stack of papers labeled “Homework 1.”

When confronted about the insensitivity of this policy towards students who have been affected by the pandemic, Mulvicky insisted that his class was structured to support those same students. “I recognize the inherent difficulties of learning during a pandemic and want to be as accommodating as possible, which is why I have made the switch from in-person to virtual instruction and no other changes,” stated Mulvicky. 

Professor Mulvicky also noted the efforts he had made to make himself open to students. “I’m always available for discussion during office hours, held annually by my 24-year-old TA.”

For students unable to make office hours, Professor Mulvicky wanted it to be known that he could be reached via email at
