The Georgetown Heckler

News | November 4, 2021

Op-Ed: Let Me Smoke My Marlboro Slims In Lau 2


Rough. Rugged. Masculine. Marlboro Man.

I know exactly what image these words conjure in your mind: me studying in Lau 2 on a Friday night. But our library has been sissified by the cowards in administration. Appeals to liberal nonsense like “secondhand smoke” and “obnoxious odor disrupting other students” are being used to deny me my basic freedom to use what 10 out of 10 doctors who still describe women as suffering from “hysteria” tell me is great for my heart. Nothing cuts through the stress of midterms like a quick Marlboro Slim and 1 hour of its lingering smoke in my study cubicle. 

Lau 2. Come to where the flavor is.

–okay, so just submit this to Georgetown’s most popular student publication and when it’s accepted we’ll make the deposit into your account; just make sure you delete this last part obviously