The Georgetown Heckler

News | January 24, 2022

“Up in the Sky! The Egg Signal!” Georgetown Vigilante Egger Comes Out of Retirement for Cardinal O’Connor Conference


It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s the Egg Signal!

After months of silence from not the hero Georgetown needed, but the hero Georgetown deserved, the Georgetown Vigilante Egger returned when we needed him most. Responding to the Egg Signal, the Egger came back to make a statement at Saturday’s Cardinal O’Connor Conference on Life (COCC). 

This year’s COCC may have been held online, but the Egger did not let that stop him from trying to block COCC (COCC-block, if you will). The Egger made a powerful statement during the Zoom conference when he continued to unmute himself to boo and throw eggs at their cameras.

“I don’t judge if you love cock, but I do have a problem if you love COCC!” screamed the Egger. We at The Heckler couldn’t have said it better ourselves.

The Egger’s attack (or, the COCC fight) — designed to insult and tease the speakers of COCC — was so successful that the Egger has been preemptively named “Best COCC Tease of 2022.”