The Georgetown Heckler

News | March 7, 2022

“Deviated Cheek” Claims Lying BBL Patient


Jo Smallhouse (MSB ‘15) emerged from a suspiciously timed six-week Instagram hiatus with eight new sponsors and backside. In a candid Instagram live video Smallhouse explained her absence and new look. 

“It wasn’t my choice,” said Smallhouse, sporting a matching neon-green Gymshark set. “Nearly 12% of all people are born with a deviated cheek. I’m talking to you today because that 12%… is me.” 

Due to legal restrictions on Brazilian Butt Lift surgery, colloquially known as “getting a BBL,”  Smallhouse decided to go abroad to have the operation. In order to correct her condition, Turkish doctors had to inject fatty tissue from her stomach into her ass. 

“I’m just blessed that I still look like me. It was more about feeling better than looking better. And I’m just so grateful to sit here, comfortably, with you for the first time ever… I have also never felt better than when I used Cayenave Cheek Augmentation Regeneration Pillows during my six week recovery. Cayenave is not like other BBL pillows — they specialize in plush pads customized to each individual body in order to reach our full potential.” 

Smallhouse demonstrates for 15 seconds with the pillow before moving on. 

“I firmly believe that we have to accept what we are given in order to live our real, honest, actualized lives. I hope that I can use the information I gained from my operation to help anyone else struggling with this painful yet heavily stigmatized condition.” 

Smallhouse guides the camera from her outdoor Vitamix studio to her bathroom mirror and shows us the results. 

“My nose job was cosmetic. This is necessary.” 

Two air kisses goodbye and she’s offline.