The Georgetown Heckler

News | March 30, 2024

Cool Guy Comfortable With His Sexuality Actually Attaches Key Chain to His Belt!


This cool guy does many cool things! Here are some cool things that he does that make him cool.

1. He’s read Lolita, “for the language”!

2. He does poppers!

3. He hand-steeps his tea, in a Smeg press!

4. He took one (1) gender studies class, but he already knew all that stuff anyway!

5. He has sisters!

6. He listens to boygenius! (Through wired headphones)

7. He leans against walls when he stands!

8. All his pictures on Instagram are film… taken by women!

9. In the summers, he returns to his vaguely ethnic motherland (ten generations or so back) where his uncle owns a boat, the local disco, and he calls all the locals elder to him “Pappou.”

10. He slings his canvas tote bag over his shoulder!

11. He actually has a very nuanced take on nuclear proliferation.

12. He’s NOT in the MSB, and he’s also vegetarian, and you must know both things.

13. He went abroad last year, but never stopped dressing like it!

14. He posts what he cooks on his story! Big fan of seasoning with rosemary.

15. His long hair remains unkempt and billowing — He’ll never trim it!