The Georgetown Heckler

News | March 21, 2016

JK Rowling Reveals Molly Weasley’s Views on Israel


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LONDON – JK Rowling, the author of the highly successful children’s book series Harry Potter, has revealed that, in the upcoming Harry Potter reboot, Molly Weasley will remain unwavering in her support for the “rightfully Jewish nation of Israel”. In recent years Rowling has gone on to clarify certain parts of her seven-book series that ended in 2007, for example, the sexuality of Hogwarts Headmaster Albus Dumbledore and that Hermione should have married Harry instead of Ron. She tells the Heckler, “You might be wondering why the Weasleys’ house was in constant disrepair. The answer is quite simple. Molly Weasley spent a substantial amount of her monthly paycheck on donations to groups who support increased Israeli settlement into the West Bank. You know, to trigger the Second Coming,” said Rowling as she held up an ancient map that “proved the legitimacy of pure Jewish state”. When asked if she was projecting her own politics onto a fictional character in a book series that lacks any relevant political discussion, Rowling replied, “Absolutely not. When I wrote the book I made Molly’s trademark characteristic her loving heart. It only makes sense that her tender, caring disposition that makes Molly a great mother also makes her an ardent defender of a strong Jewish state, completely free from any external threat. This is only clear to those with hearts as pure and loving as Molly’s.” At press time, Rowling added “Just wait – next week there will be a surprise twitter announcement on where Professor Snape landed on abortion.”