The Georgetown Heckler

News | September 10, 2019

Georgetown Pep Band 20th Reunion Boasts First Ever Spousal Attendance 


“You told me everybody else would bring their spouses too,” hissed Bernice Stapleton (COL ’86), as saxophonist Jerrad Stapleton lead his wife into his old band room. Jerrad took a deep inhale, and smiled.

“It smells just like it used to,” he said looking a bit too stimulated. Former Tubist Edd Armstrong (SFS ’86)  jealousy watched the Stapletons enter arm in arm. “That actually is pretty epic,” he whispered to lifelong friend, Harry the drummer. Harry nodded in agreement. 

Bernice self consciously adjusted her nametag and wondered why everybody was wearing an ill-fitting three piece suit. 

Most of the evening was passed with idle conversation about how Jerrad and Bernice met (online), and what a lovely couple they were. This went on until Edd announced that he was going to “tickle the tuba again”, and everyone gathered around, swaying in time with the music. 

Jerrad saw his wife having a bit too much fun listening to his old rival, Edd. Jerrad knew he had to go nuclear if he was to salvage the evening. Before Edd got the chance to start humming melodically with his eyes closed, Jerrad started scatting. 

“Skee bop do bada bap! Bop do bada bap,” He yelled. Bernice swooned. Jerrad and Bernice left arm in arm but Edd left smiling because he knew that for a second, Jerrad was truly terrified.