The Georgetown Heckler

News | February 23, 2021

Michael Barbaro Vows to Decrease Size of Glasses Each Time You Say You Listened to the Daily Even Though You Didn’t


On the February 13th episode of the New York Times’ ‘The Daily,’ host Michael Barbaro made a surprising vow to listeners. “I, Michael Barbaro, of the New York Times’ ‘The Daily’ podcast, featuring myself, Michael Barbaro, am done with liars. This podcast reaches two million people daily, yet it seems everyone has something to say about it. They say each time you hear a bell an angel gets its wings. Well, every time you lie about listening to ‘The Daily,’ my glasses will shrink. You know who you are. I’ll see you in hell.” 

Oh, did you not hear that part of it? It was in the last five minutes, after the Hello Fresh commercial. Barbaro, in an act of modern-day journalistic martyrdom, is willing to make his eyeglasses even more ornamental than they already are. 

The Heckler spoke with Dr. Maria Zakaryan, Michael Barbaro’s optometrist in the Lenscrafters near his office. She was unphased by the idea. “This isn’t the first time Michael has had… interesting ideas to run past me.” 

“When Michael asked me whether the tiny navy blue frames would work for his facial structure I was nervous. Now I’m scared. Please listen to ‘The Daily.’”

Unseen for days, it is unclear as to when Michael Barbaro will appear in public, or at what increment his eyeglasses will decrease in size. He did, however, sign-off today’s episode with a thought-provoking message.   

“I’m determined to go blind for the sake of journalism…what are you willing to do?”