The Georgetown Heckler

News | February 16, 2022

BREAKING: New GUSA President Thinks Food Insecurity Is When His Girlfriend Won’t Touch The Bread Bowl


Food insecurity is at an all-time high on Georgetown’s campus. Lack of allergy-friendly options, costly meal plans, and being scared out of the Cropchop line by an aggressive “what’s your base?” have all contributed to Hoyas lacking access to safe and healthy food options. So, with a rumbling stomach, I approached our new GUSA President to ask how he plans to address food insecurity here at Georgetown.

“Well, I wanna start by acknowledging what a big issue food insecurity is here on campus. And it’s one that affects everyone, even myself. When I took Paige, that’s my girlfriend by the way, she’s a freshman, also from Rye, which we can’t talk about anymore because rye, rye bread, you get it. Anyways, when I took Paige to Peacock Café for our two and a half month, she’d been telling me how hungry she was all day, and then when the bread came before her cajun chicken salad? She wouldn’t touch it. And I was like, ooh look it’s warm and everything and she kind of smirked and then looked away without grabbing a piece. I thought maybe her stomach was hurting so I asked the waiter to bring us sparkling water and she was like ‘What? I only like still!’— which is weird because she drinks like 3 Celsius Sparkling Grapes a day. We didn’t really talk the rest of dinner, and then she wanted to go back to New South instead of my Henle after. It sucked. I guess what I’m trying to say is that food insecurity affects all of us— especially me, who had to sleep alone because of all this— and it’s something I definitely want to work on while I’m in office. My goal as GUSA President is to empower women at Georgetown to wolf down that bread. Wolf down that bread. WOLFE down that bread. Hey, write that down and text it to me.”