The Georgetown Heckler

News | September 17, 2024

Heads up, Everyone: My Uncle is Coming to Campus for Family Weekend, And He’s a Toucher


Mark your calendars, ladies and gents: my uncle is finally hauling ass to the Hilltop this coming Family Weekend, and he’ll be whiling away his days in the District invading the personal space of countless Georgetown undergraduates. Steel yourselves for his sweaty palms, folks, and keep in mind that whatever he does is a sign of affection, even if it might occasionally clash with “politically correct” sensibilities. 

My uncle has been a reliable presence in my life for as long as I’ve ever known him. Birthdays, holidays, weddings, funerals—he’s always found the time for family, and I think that’s very touching. A lot of men these days are reluctant to show their emotions, so I’ve appreciated the ways that my uncle has subverted gender stereotypes, often very viscerally. The best part, though, has to be that he doesn’t discriminate. No matter your color, creed, or religion, none are exempt from his insistent grasp! My uncle gets handsy with whoever is within an arm’s reach so long as they’re on the younger side. That’s what I like about him: since I was little, he’s helped me understand that everyone is equal. I’m so excited for you all to get to know him!
