As I am sure you, our dedicated readers, already know: we here at The Heckler are absolutely committed to investigative journalism. For that reason, I feel compelled to share with you all that after months of intense research, The Heckler can exclusively – and definitively – report that the “Dr. Ranit Mishori” that you’ve been […]
HEALY HALL – At approximately 8:43 PM tonight, Provost Robert Groves was on his way to a Henle pregame with the squad, slightly tipsy off a single shot of Smirnoff Citron he took with Dr. Ranit Mishori and Dr. Randy Bass in the VCE lobby. Excited to know where this night would take him and […]
Professor-Pondeaux-Poirot began the first-day-of-class with a mis-leading lecture about the importance of feeding your brain, saying snacks are always-welcome in Psychology-101. I took this with guidance with open-arms and an un-matched eager-ness as I am a often-hungry-individual. Flash-forward to mid-terms and I missed lunch-time because I got dis-tracted working-out at Yates, and I did-not have […]
In an unsatisfactory anti-climax of the semester, the Georgetown University Never Orgasmed Club (GUNOC) is having trouble reaching completion of any membership whatsoever. “We’re so close,” said president Hunter Toggin, “but we just can’t seem to get there.” Sophomore Harry Jingle said that he was very close to showing up to a meeting. “I almost […]
What makes a newspaper suck? A new scholarly initiative into the field of “Philosophy of Journalism” is providing new insight into this age-old question. Specifically, a recent archaeological discovery that the famous “Ship of Theseus” was not a Greek trireme, but rather a small, highly-maneuverable Portuguese caravel, has prompted McCourt school professor Ottoman J. Palestine, […]
Leo J. O’Donovan Dining Hall – Railing to his friends recently at everyone’s favorite dining hall, Jake Donahue (MSB ‘24) expressed his frustration at how many people mistake him for other white men on a daily basis. Even more disheartening to Jake is that, upon first glance (as well as closer inspection), it is no […]
One of the silver linings of zoom classes last year was the ability to relax a little bit while living alone (because families do not count as people). We could zone out during a lecture and shop online, let out a little fart without fearing anyone would hear you, and everyone’s favorite, muting yourself, leaning […]
Sophomore Bernard Manilow (COL ‘23), is majoring in Portuguese and Spanish with a Creative Writing minor, and yet he still manages to find time in between his short stories and foreign films to go hang out with your mom. When asked about how he juggles all these responsibilities, Bernard explained, “There is a strong sense […]
When Samuel Clemens (COL ‘23) announced that he was declaring a major in English in the spring of last year, everyone was too distracted by the pandemic, and unaware that they were still actually in college, to do anything. Now that he is back on campus, the junior is facing more problems than he anticipated. […]
Georgetown Caucasian Studies Department – Due to a critical lack of race and gender studies scholars concerning themselves with the behavior and lived experiences of white men, I have embarked on a cultural inquiry into the nature of the caucasian male and all its nuanced behaviors. This is an inquiry that has demanded research for […]