“I was the most dominant center my middle school basketball league had even seen,” bragged former tall kid, Roy Hiddleson (SFS ‘21). Hiddleson now plays backup for a Georgetown intramural team. There are several examples of young players who were short, developed great ball handling, and then became exceptionally tall. See Kevin Durant or Anthony […]
Jesus may have risen from the dead, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to rise in the morning! Along with your cup of joe, you need a good breakfast to get yourself ready for your yearly dose of mass and all of the festivities to follow. To take some of the pressure off, we’ve […]
Georgetown is known for its all-encompassing and ever-changing club scene. Recently, a new club formed, garnering a great deal of attention. Aquatic Badminton was founded by Jerry Nazareth (COL ‘21) with the aim of marrying his two passions, racquet sports and indoor swimming pools. “I was tired of being so dry during badminton,” explained Nazareth. […]
CHEVY CHASE, MD – Well this is a bummer. Everyone in Mrs. Thompson’s third grade class was so excited to go to Ethan’s birthday party this Saturday, because he spent all week bragging that there would be Fruit Roll-Ups as a snack at the celebration. Unfortunately, a lot of eight-year-olds are missing out on the […]
WESTEROS – Like so many other normal Americans, I fell in love with Game of Thrones immediately. It was so much fun observing the beautiful scenery, navigating the complex storylines, and keeping up with all my favorite characters until their tragic ends. However, after I fell head over heels for Game of Thrones, some of […]
HEALY LAWN – As prospective students descended on Georgetown’s campus for GAAP weekend, one Colin McGuire (SFS ‘23) of Columbus, Ohio had a particularly harrowing episode. In a weekend full of icebreaker games, awkward silence broken only by timid small talk, and getting lost, lost, lost, a little incident on the lawn took the cake […]
GEORGETOWN – The Healy Clock Tower struck 9 AM yesterday, Monday, April 8th, in the year of our Lord two thousand and nineteen and, as such, The Reckoning is upon us: Live Registration has begun, and The Bulldog must be appeased. Previously, the University Registrar has been able to minimize carnage and loss of […]
GEORGETOWN— Since the beginning of last week, all around campus special editions of the Georgetown Voice have been distributed, celebrating that newspaper’s 50th anniversary. We here at the Georgetown Heckler have also been celebrating an anniversary, we just decided not to be so obnoxious about it. The Heckler Staff congratulates the Georgetown Voice on their […]
BETHESDA – I have a harrowing – yet eye-opening – experience to share. My friends and I let our weird roommate be the group sponsor for housing this year, and, next thing I know, a local Papa John’s in Bethesda is where I’m now calling home. Yep, it sounds strange. You wouldn’t believe how fast […]
Heh. Would you look at that. Never thought of it that way. How weird would it be if we spelled ‘pepperoni’ that way, huh? Pretty fuckin’ weird, I would say. “Uh, excuse me, can I please have one large pepperoine pizza?” Only a dumbass would say something like that. Not me. I’m not a dumbass. […]